MUSC 220 - Fundamentals of Music Theory

Hayden Hall, Room 105.
Tuesdays 12:30-1:45, Wednesdays 1:00-1:50, Fridays 12:30-1:45
Class 4Wednesday, January 22

Here we pushed forward with our scales, and I dropped a fairly lengthy new worksheet on it. Technically the survey is due Friday, Worksheet #2 is due today, #3 and #4 are in process.

Assignment #1: Student Survey

The next task is to fill out a short survey that asks you about your musical experiences, what you like, and where you get your music from.

This is the first homework assignment! If you complete it before class on Friday, Jan 24 you get an automatic check- plus (100). You can do it later, as well, but it's only a check (92).

Homework #2: Rhythms in 4/4

I'll give out our first worksheet on Tuesday. This one says it is be due on Tues, Jan 21 but we don't actually meet that day, true due date is Wed, Jan 22.

To get started, take a look at pp. 6-9 in our theory anthology.

Homework #3: Piano Notes, Whole Steps, and Half Steps

This worksheet quizzes you about the notes on the piano, and it asks you to count out two small distances (half steps vs. whole steps).

Due date is Fri Jan 24.

Worksheet #4: Major Scales

All right, assignment four asks you to make a bunch of scales. We'll mark them on the piano, list them off with letter names, and draw them on the treble clef. Major scales are covered on pp. 27-28 of our theory textbook.

Due date is Tuesday, Jan 28.

Solo Percussion Break